Whew, my latest addition to my portfolio. I worked my butt off all day at my day job and couldn't get around to drawing until 7:30 pm, and then I couldn't get it to look right, because I was in too much of a hurry. I'm always terrified somebody will have my idea already before I can draw mine. If I make myself clear.
UPDATE: Just upgraded the image.
Other than my obsessive cartooning here lately, and my working my buns off all day long (like heavy lifting for six hours, really), and my being really dog-assed tired, things have been pretty okay.
Well, okay, no, I'm stressed out that hand surgery is only a week away. But hey, at least I'll get to slack off for a while.
I think that's my fave one of yours to date. :)
Great cartoon! Exceptional talent. So much subject matter to poke fun at!
Wow, love all these cartoons! I'm so disgusted that so many Americans are so easily fooled by buzzwords and empty promises.
How could this race even be close? I think half the country has lost its mind. (Again).
Wow! What a talent!
damn woman you TALENTED.
after you recover we need to talk :)
I modeled for the hand.
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