I have to put myself on another news blackout. Does anybody else get so stressed that they stay awake at night? And have chest pains?
I'm thinking I might make some t-shirts with my cartoon on it! There's a very cool site where you can upload your art and see what your shirt looks like before you order. The internet is so great.
Now I have two drawings down, eight to go.
UPDATE: This cartoon was picked up by a major political blog, TheZoo. Check it out at TheZoo
Love your drawing. Says it all.
I bet you'd sell a lot of those t-shirts...
Great visual. You have talent.
By all means, take a break from the news. You can't control events, just your actions. Give money, do art, all is not lost!
Yup, I would buy that.
Wow, I love it. But I have to ask: what do you have against pit bulls?
It reminds me of that "Appalling 13" cartoon you did years ago. Do you still have that? I'd like to see it again--you should post it, too. But it's not quite as politically relevant, I suppose.
Love the picture! :)
"what do you have against pit bulls?"
Hey, nothin' much. It was Palin that brought it up, not me.
LOVE the cartoon.
and second the tee emotion
youre so talented. I wish I could drawsketchMAKEANYTHING!
Wow, you have some serious talent going on! All this and singing too?
TA x
Thanks all, for your kind support! I'll let you know if I make some T-shirts, but it occurred to me they'd only be relevant for 50 days or less, so...meh...
Tokaiangel, for some reason a lot of singers are artists as well. I personally know several, and then of course there's Tony Bennett, who like shows in galleries and stuff.
Yes, nothing worse than an irrelevant t-shirt. ;-)
Another fantastic drawing.
Keep going!
Oh, the chest pains and all came 8 years ago. After 4 years ago, I had to bow out completely. Once the cancer diagnosis, I take everything in stride, whatever that means. I try not to get too involved for myself, physically and mentally. I let other people carry the mental burden. Don't ask me *how* I do this. Nothing I pissed and moaned about 8 years ago changed a thing with regard to the big picture. I still stay knowledgeable. I just don't freak as much. I have learned to view life from a tinier screen to keep myself somewhat protected.
pod, you comfort me.
Drawing these cartoons is actually really helping.
Love it mommy :-)
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