Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Politics makes me sick.

I have to put myself on another news blackout. Does anybody else get so stressed that they stay awake at night? And have chest pains?

I'm thinking I might make some t-shirts with my cartoon on it! There's a very cool site where you can upload your art and see what your shirt looks like before you order. The internet is so great.

Now I have two drawings down, eight to go.

UPDATE: This cartoon was picked up by a major political blog, TheZoo. Check it out at TheZoo


Leah J. Utas said...

Love your drawing. Says it all.

Jenn said...

I bet you'd sell a lot of those t-shirts...

Unknown said...

Great visual. You have talent.
By all means, take a break from the news. You can't control events, just your actions. Give money, do art, all is not lost!

Alice said...

Yup, I would buy that.

Sylvia Baber said...

Wow, I love it. But I have to ask: what do you have against pit bulls?

It reminds me of that "Appalling 13" cartoon you did years ago. Do you still have that? I'd like to see it again--you should post it, too. But it's not quite as politically relevant, I suppose.

Anonymous said...

Love the picture! :)

Melissa said...

"what do you have against pit bulls?"

Hey, nothin' much. It was Palin that brought it up, not me.

Anonymous said...

LOVE the cartoon.

and second the tee emotion

youre so talented. I wish I could drawsketchMAKEANYTHING!


Penny said...

Wow, you have some serious talent going on! All this and singing too?


TA x

Melissa said...

Thanks all, for your kind support! I'll let you know if I make some T-shirts, but it occurred to me they'd only be relevant for 50 days or less, so...meh...

Tokaiangel, for some reason a lot of singers are artists as well. I personally know several, and then of course there's Tony Bennett, who like shows in galleries and stuff.

Levi said...

Yes, nothing worse than an irrelevant t-shirt. ;-)
Another fantastic drawing.
Keep going!

Levi said...

Oh, the chest pains and all came 8 years ago. After 4 years ago, I had to bow out completely. Once the cancer diagnosis, I take everything in stride, whatever that means. I try not to get too involved for myself, physically and mentally. I let other people carry the mental burden. Don't ask me *how* I do this. Nothing I pissed and moaned about 8 years ago changed a thing with regard to the big picture. I still stay knowledgeable. I just don't freak as much. I have learned to view life from a tinier screen to keep myself somewhat protected.

Melissa said...

pod, you comfort me.

Drawing these cartoons is actually really helping.

AC said...

Love it mommy :-)