Thursday, October 2, 2008

Back in the Saddle Again!

Thanks again to all my well-wishers! It's a bit ouchy, but I think my drawing hand is already better than it was before!


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Jenn said...

Love it! Perfect for the debates tonight...

Anonymous said...

Good hand! enjoyed its rest, did it?

Mary Anne in Kentucky

Nitmos said...

You must secretly hope Palin wins VP. Think of al the wonderful ridicule she'll inspire. She'll probably even turn into a verb at some (ala "swiftboated"). Whenever someone nominates an inexperienced candidate clearly in over their head, we will all have been "palined".

Melissa said...

Yes Nitmos, Sarah Palin is so darn EASY. And there already is a verb, Palinize. It has to do with verbal vomit, I think.

But, no, not even for the easy 'toon would I want a batty pit bull Shirley Temple running amok in DC and God knows where else.

Anonymous said...

damn. semiinjured youre better than most.


Sbanfnyc said...

I love the drawing. Picture perfect.