The start date should be coming up here shortly as soon as we get our act together.
I have a little problem right now in that I just got over the stomach flu, and lost a bunch of weight. My weight this morning was 142.6, down a pound from the last weight I recorded back in December. (I had gained a bunch during January when I was being bad!) So right now I'm trying to just maintain that weight until it's time to start. If it creeps up a little bit, that's all right with me.
I have a feeling that a lot of exercise video reviews are in my blogging future. Stay tuned...
How come I never get to lose weight by fluing?
I can't wait to see how this thing progresses for all of you.
Fluing, that's a new verb on me! And it's mostly water weight, of course. So most everybody gets to lose water weight but me. I think that puts me at a disadvantage, but as long as I lose significant weight, I'm not even so concerned about the $100.
How about you drink a bunch of water before the diet starts? That way you can lose that much more initially.
Does that ever work?
I guess I'll start counting points when I go to the grocery now. If you win the $100 maybe we could go out to eat?
$100. 00 won't buy much of a dinner.
I guess your hubby is planning to watch you eat.
Trust me POD, for 100 bucks I could gain 10 Lbs in one 10,000 point meal. She gets the 10 point meal and I'll have the 10,000 point meal.
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