Monday, November 10, 2008

Laid off! Hah!

I managed to knock out a 'toon today! My hand is still a little averse to being set down on a sheet of paper, but if I keep activity short and simple it's okay.

Now I think I should have put "FIRED" on the elephant instead of "LAID OFF", but whatever. I have a bunch more I'm thinking of...

UPDATE: this 'toon got Editor's Pick today on!!! Yay! I love when that happens!


Missicat said...

Looks great!

Levi said...

That is very funny!

Anonymous said...


You are so talented and DONT let us think you are healed too fast.

My liberal Obama loving parents need a hanukkah gift and ID LOVE A COPY of that cartoon for them (love to purchase...)

Anonymous said...

Great cartoon! Not so good an economy, however :-(

Melissa said...

Hey Mizfit, I'll get back to you on the copy.

Thanks to all for your great feedback! It feels great to get back in gear. Now if I can just get back on the treadmill.

Melissa said...

Hey again,

I'm going to order a print from Photobucket and see what the quality is like. I think non-glossy so it will be more arty, and 5x7 is plenty big. Then I can autograph it to "enhance" the value--HAHA. The print is only 99 cents and I can pick it up at Target.

I'll let you know how it turns out.

Anonymous said...

Funny! Ha!

Sbanfnyc said...

Glad to have you back cartooning! I want one of the kidnapping of Mom.

That would make such great Chistmas gifts for the entire family.